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Competitive Analysis / Internal Communications / Business Partnerships/ Personal Branding/

Project Management / Social Media Outreach / SEO, Digital Campaigns /  Seminars




I help you develop long-range plans, combined with easy and actionable tasks, achieving growth in market share. Part of the strategy is to not only communicate with current customers, but to also attempt to secure new audiences for products and services across your competitive landscape. 



Business Partnerships are usually the most overlooked part of marketing. Partnerships are a fantastic way to gain attention from new leads. Through the use of co-branded collateral, social media posts, and the co-hosting of events, you can offset costs by sharing marketing costs while expanding your business.



 Stuart works as a mentor and career coach by helping you set goals, network with other professionals, and put together a personal plan of action. He helps individual artists, writers, filmmakers, and freelancers figure out the next steps in their careers. 

 Stuart's expertise is in enhancing brand positioning and making sure all messaging lines up across all forms of marketing media. Through the use of marketing management calendars and weekly check ins, we will work on how to properly plan a marketing campaign that gets results.

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